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Writer's picturejohn_r_rumery

Easter 2020 ... 12 months on ...

It’s funny to read my post from this same time last year and look back on where I was then and compare it to where I am now. So many highlights. I finished my book. This was a labour of love for me, and something that gave me purpose for much of this year. But it is finished now and published on Apple and Google book stores. It gave me a way of capturing my steps to healing, along with my tools for survival and growth. My trip to LA, NYC & Nashville was another absolute highlight. It was a completely selfish act for me to leave my children at home and head off on my adventure. Still, something that ultimately made me better delivered me so much joy and laughs, along with so many funny stories. My week with the boys in January reminded me that relationship thrives on adventure. And while less than a week, was so good for all of us. I have continued to grow, I have continued to heal, and I have continued to get better and be better. I have learned to be still more and worry less. I have learned to be less concerned with my romantic situation. I am living all of the things I wrote. My life is still filled with friction …. everywhere. But I am more settled in my spirit than I was 12 months ago and have more of the joyful heart, peaceful mind and grateful soul that I seek after. There is so much more I seek from my life. I want to travel more, I want to be more successful with my work, and I want to worry less about things that don’t matter. I want to spend more time near the beach, I want to be more productive with my time, and I want to be more impactful in other peoples lives. But all of that will come if I keep doing the work. And that is something that I am very good at … putting in the work. Wishing everybody a blessed Easter. May it bring you closer to yourself, closer to your friends and family and closer to those things we cannot see and touch. Peace and love.

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