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My Story

Have you ever told yourself that you are not good enough, handsome enough, pretty enough, smart enough, successful enough, or rich enough? Does the voice inside your head keep criticizing you and reminding you where you have fallen short? Telling you that you need to ‘do more’ or ‘be more’ if you are ever going to be good enough to be loved and find that sustained sense of peace and happiness you are longing for? 


This was me. It had become debilitating, and I knew I could not live that way anymore and that something needed to change. So, I started a journey towards wellness, and along the way, I discovered happiness, joy, and self-worth. It took me about 18 months, but in that time, I was able to change the lens through which I viewed my world; from one based around fear and anxiety to one based around happiness, peace, and gratitude.  


What I learned made me more effective, productive, and impactful in my professional life. I became a better and more attentive parent to my children. I fell back in love with myself and discovered that all I needed to be happy was me. I learned to manage stress and anxiety. I learned how to step into pain and how to see failure and feelings as feedback. 


I learned that I was more than good enough and that there was nothing wrong with me; that I was equal to anyone, and that I was worthy of being loved and valued by anyone. I learned that all of those critical words that I had been saying to myself throughout my life, were a false narrative I had created in my head and that they held no basis in truth or fact. 


I came to understand that living in scarcity, suffering, and stress is the human condition. That feeling of self-doubt and a lack of self-worth, along with having to navigate work, money, relationships, and any number of other internal and external pressures and stresses, is something that everybody struggles with. 


Living in a relatively constant state of fight-or-flight had become the norm for me, and I had become emotionally crippled by three false narratives; 1) ​I'm not good enough, 2) I'm not loveable, and 3) I don't have any tools to deal with my stress. 


Everybody suffers from these (to a greater or lesser extent), and they all hold us back from reaching our fullest potential, but we rarely talk about them and finding a set of easy-to-access tools that addressed body, mind, and spirit was hard for me to find.  


We are given tools and training to do our job better, to learn a new hobby or how to drive a car; but still, the most significant blocker we will ever face for a better life is ourselves, and finding the tools needed to navigate that maze is hard if you don’t know where to look.


So I started to write down what was working for me, kept asking questions and did a lot of research. 


But when you know better, you do better; and for me, it was as simple (and complicated) as changing the lens through which I viewed my world. But this meant changing the lens through which I viewed myself.


And when I was able to do that, I was able to create for myself a life of worth, opportunity, potential and the knowledge that the universe is working in my favour.


So this is the story of how I changed what had become a sad and miserable life into something worth living, the toolkit I developed along the way, and the things I am doing to maintain my mental and physical health. 


Everything I have learned about happiness, wholeness, and self-worth sits in my two books. How I Created a Better Life and Finding Happy & How to Feel Good about Yourself.  I call them my philosophies on life, my happiness framework, and my rules for wholehearted living.


This is my gift to the universe with the hope that it brings to you, the same peace of mind it brought to me.  


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